Reforming group

Government Plenipotentiary for the Reform of Ownership Supervision over State-Owned Companies (December 9, 2019–February 20, 2021).


Janusz Kowalski

Originator and initiator of the reform of the Commercial Companies Code that introduced regulations applicable to groups of companies into Polish law. Deputy Minister of State Assets, Government Plenipotentiary for the Reform of Ownership Supervision over State-Owned Companies (2019–2021). Member of the 9th Sejm and Vice-Chairman of the Committee to Reform Ownership Supervision In the past he worked in the energy sector in both state-run agencies (Ministry of Economy, National Security Bureau, Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland) and fuel sector (PGNiG S.A.).

Government Plenipotentiary for the Reform of Ownership Supervision over State-Owned Companies (December 9, 2019–February 20, 2021). Vice-Chairman of the Committee to Reform Ownership Supervision (since February 10, 2020).

Reforming group


Jacek Sasin

Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of State Assets. Member of the 7th, 8th, and 9th Sejm. Governor of Mazowieckie (2007), Deputy Head of the Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland (2009–2010), Secretary of State in the Chancellery of the Prime Minister of Poland (2018–2019).

Chief Coordinator Specialist Group

Radosław L. Kwaśnicki, Ph.D.

Managing partner at RKKW – Kwaśnicki, Wróbel & Partners Law Firm; Ph.D in Law, Graduate of AMP and Value Creation Through Effective Boards. Arbitrator in national and international bodies (Court of Arbitration at the Polish Chamber of Commerce, Court of Arbitration at the Polish Confederation of Private Employers Lewiatan, ICC International Court of Arbitration, Paris). Board member in domestic and foreign companies; he served as Member of the Supervisory Board of PKN Orlen S.A. (2014–2019). Author of more than 500 publications (see the list). Member of the Program Committee in “Monitor Prawa Handlowego.” President of the Board of the Foundation “Jesteśmy Razem. Pomagamy”, Founder and Chairman of Nova Ars Poloniae Foundation. Editor-in-chief at Prawo Biznesu – Law in Action.


Filip Ostrowski, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Law. He holds Master’s Degree and Ph.D. in Law from the Jagiellonian University. A graduate of Law and Management, University of Aberdeen (United Kingdom). He gained professional experience in an international law desk in Warsaw and then as a manager in the Polish Oil and Gas Company. He now serves as Director of the Bureau for the Reform of Ownership Supervision at the Ministry of State Assets. He has an extensive experience in being a member of supervisory boards. Author of publications in company law and sector regulations.


Izabela Wojtyczka

Deputy Director of Bureau for Reform of Ownership Supervisory at the Ministry of State Assets. Member of the Supervisory Board of PKP Cargo. A graduate from the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw. A graduate of Economics, Warsaw School of Economics. In the past, she worked for the Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) and Polish energy businesses.


Andrzej Szumański, Ph.D.

Professor, head of the Department of Private Economic Law at the Jagiellonian University, lawyer. He co-authored the Draft law on the Commercial Companies Code (2000) and the 1999 Offset Law. Arbitrator and member of the Arbitration Council at the Court of Arbitration, Polish Chamber of Commerce in Warsaw, President of the Stock Exchange Court at the Warsaw Stock Exchange. He has participated in many restructuring and privatization projects and served on numerous supervisory boards. He is an author of textbooks and commentaries on corporate and securities law. In 2005–2013 he was a member of the UNCITRAL in charge of developing Arbitration and Transparency Rules for investment arbitration procedures.


University of Silesia Professor Piotr Pinior, Ph.D.

Professor at the University of Silesia, Head of the Institute of Legal Studies, Deputy Dean for Scientific Research and Research Team Leader. He authored domestic and foreign publications on commercial and economic law, including “Nadzór wspólników w spółce z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością” [Supervising partners in a limited liability company]. Specialist in civil law, commercial law, and European company law.


University of Silesia Professor Mirosław Pawełczyk, Ph.D.

Professor at the Institute of Legal Studies at the University of Silesia, legal adviser, Justice at the Stock Exchange Court, arbitrator at the Arbitration Court at the Polish Financial Supervision Authority, justice at the Arbitration Court at the National Depository for Securities. Member of the supervisory boards of state-controlled companies. Author of more than 160 research publication in economic law, competition law, and capital market law. He assisted other experts to develop the draft Constitution for Business.


University of Wrocław Professor Marek Leśniak, Ph.D.

Professor at the University of Wrocław, Head of the Department of Economic and Commercial Law at the Faculty of the Law of Administration and Economics, University of Wrocław. Notary, co-author of the amendment to the Commercial Companies Code on online registering of a limited liability company (2011). Author and co-author of publications in company law and civil law.


Artur Grajewski

Director of the Legislative Department of Civil Law at the Ministry of Justice, former Vice-Chairman for Economic Issues of the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw. Lecturer at the National School of Judiciary and Public Prosecution, author of eleven publications, two studies for the Institute of Justice, and three analyses in el/LEX.


Rafał Kos, Ph.D.

Social Adviser to the President of the Republic of Poland. Attorney, Ph.D. in Law (Jagiellonian University, Poland). A graduate of International Economic Law from UC Davies (California, USA) and postgraduate studies in U.S. Economic Law, CUA Columbus School of Law (Washington, DC). Vice-President of the Arbitration Court at the Polish Confederation Lewiatan, Warsaw. Member of the Arbitration Committee at the Supreme Bar Council and the Board of Visitors CUA Law. Member of the Justice and Human Rights Committee at the Sejm (Act of 2009 on claims in group proceedings), Member of the Group on Amendments to Bankruptcy Law to the Minister of Justice (2012), Group on Systemic Solutions for Amicable Resolution of Economic Disputes to the Minister of Economy (2013), and the Group on Economic Law to the Minister of Economy (2015).


Radosław Potrzeszcz

Attorney, lecturer at the Warsaw School of Economics, specialist in amendments to the Commercial Companies Code (co-author, 2003, 2011), Act on controlling entities (co-author, 2015), Act on remuneration in some entities (co-author, 2016), Act on state property management (2016), Act on tourism and related services (2017), member of the Group on developing the Constitution for Business (2016–2018).

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